Medicare Part B (2019)

Part B is Medical Insurance and covers physicians services, outpatient care, test, and supplies. (see Medicare Part B)

On Expenses
incurred for:

Medicare Covers

You Pay $185 Annual Part B Deductible THEN

Medical Expenses:

Physicians services, inpatient, outpatient medical/surgical services, physical/speech therapy, diagnostic test.

80% of approved amount 20% of approved amount
Clinical Laboratory Services
Blood Test, Urinalysis
Generally 100% of approved amount Nothing for Services
Home Health Care
Part-time or intermittent skilled care, home health aide services, durable medical supplies and other services.
100% of approved amount; 80% of approved amount for durable medical equipment Nothing for Services; 20% of approved amount for durable medical equipment
Outpatient Hospital Treatment
Services for the diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury
Medicare payment to hospital based on hospital cost 20% of Billed Amount

After first 3 pints of blood, 80% of approved amount

First 3 pints plus 20% of approved amount for additional pints

On all Medicare-covered expenses, a doctor or other health care provider may agree to accept Medicare "assignment." This means the patient will not be required to pay any expense in excess of Medicare's "approved" charge. The patient pays only 20% of the "approved" charge not paid by Medicare.

Physicians who do not accept assignment of a Medicare claim are limited as to the amount they can charge for covered services.

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